Source code for aztk.models.models

import io
from typing import List
import azure.batch.models as batch_models
from aztk import error
from aztk.utils import helpers, deprecate
from aztk.models.plugins import PluginConfiguration
from aztk.internal import ConfigurationBase
from .toolkit import Toolkit

[docs]class FileShare: def __init__(self, storage_account_name: str = None, storage_account_key: str = None, file_share_path: str = None, mount_path: str = None): self.storage_account_name = storage_account_name self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key self.file_share_path = file_share_path self.mount_path = mount_path
[docs]class File: def __init__(self, name: str, payload: io.StringIO): = name self.payload = payload
[docs]class CustomScript: def __init__(self, name: str = None, script=None, run_on=None): = name self.script = script self.run_on = run_on
[docs]class UserConfiguration(ConfigurationBase): def __init__(self, username: str, ssh_key: str = None, password: str = None): self.username = username self.ssh_key = ssh_key self.password = password
[docs] def merge(self, other): self._merge_attributes(other, [ "username", "ssh_key", "password", ])
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class ClusterConfiguration(ConfigurationBase): """ Cluster configuration model Args: toolkit """ def __init__(self, toolkit: Toolkit = None, custom_scripts: List[CustomScript] = None, file_shares: List[FileShare] = None, cluster_id: str = None, vm_count=0, vm_low_pri_count=0, vm_size=None, subnet_id=None, plugins: List[PluginConfiguration] = None, user_configuration: UserConfiguration = None): super().__init__() self.toolkit = toolkit self.custom_scripts = custom_scripts self.file_shares = file_shares self.cluster_id = cluster_id self.vm_count = vm_count self.vm_size = vm_size self.vm_low_pri_count = vm_low_pri_count self.subnet_id = subnet_id self.user_configuration = user_configuration self.plugins = plugins
[docs] def merge(self, other): """ Merge other cluster config into this one. :params other: ClusterConfiguration """ self._merge_attributes(other, [ "toolkit", "custom_scripts", "file_shares", "cluster_id", "vm_size", "subnet_id", "vm_count", "vm_low_pri_count", "plugins", ]) if other.user_configuration: if self.user_configuration: self.user_configuration.merge(other.user_configuration) else: self.user_configuration = other.user_configuration if self.plugins: for plugin in self.plugins: plugin.validate()
[docs] def mixed_mode(self) -> bool: return self.vm_count > 0 and self.vm_low_pri_count > 0
[docs] def gpu_enabled(self): return helpers.is_gpu_enabled(self.vm_size)
[docs] def get_docker_repo(self): return self.toolkit.get_docker_repo(self.gpu_enabled())
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Validate the config at its current state. Raises: Error if invalid """ if self.toolkit is None: raise error.InvalidModelError( "Please supply a toolkit for the cluster") self.toolkit.validate() if self.cluster_id is None: raise error.AztkError( "Please supply an id for the cluster with a parameter (--id)") if self.vm_count == 0 and self.vm_low_pri_count == 0: raise error.AztkError( "Please supply a valid (greater than 0) size or size_low_pri value either in the cluster.yaml configuration file or with a parameter (--size or --size-low-pri)" ) if self.vm_size is None: raise error.AztkError( "Please supply a vm_size in either the cluster.yaml configuration file or with a parameter (--vm-size)" ) if self.mixed_mode() and not self.subnet_id: raise error.AztkError( "You must configure a VNET to use AZTK in mixed mode (dedicated and low priority nodes). Set the VNET's subnet_id in your cluster.yaml." ) if self.custom_scripts: deprecate("Custom scripts are DEPRECATED and will be removed in 0.8.0. Use plugins instead See")
[docs]class RemoteLogin: def __init__(self, ip_address, port): self.ip_address = ip_address self.port = port
[docs]class ServicePrincipalConfiguration(ConfigurationBase): """ Container class for AAD authentication """ def __init__(self, tenant_id: str = None, client_id: str = None, credential: str = None, batch_account_resource_id: str = None, storage_account_resource_id: str = None): self.tenant_id = tenant_id self.client_id = client_id self.credential = credential self.batch_account_resource_id = batch_account_resource_id self.storage_account_resource_id = storage_account_resource_id
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Validate the config at its current state. Raises: Error if invalid """ self._validate_required([ "tenant_id", "client_id", "credential", "batch_account_resource_id", "storage_account_resource_id", ])
[docs]class SharedKeyConfiguration(ConfigurationBase): """ Container class for shared key authentication """ def __init__(self, batch_account_name: str = None, batch_account_key: str = None, batch_service_url: str = None, storage_account_name: str = None, storage_account_key: str = None, storage_account_suffix: str = None): self.batch_account_name = batch_account_name self.batch_account_key = batch_account_key self.batch_service_url = batch_service_url self.storage_account_name = storage_account_name self.storage_account_key = storage_account_key self.storage_account_suffix = storage_account_suffix
[docs] def validate(self) -> bool: """ Validate the config at its current state. Raises: Error if invalid """ self._validate_required([ "batch_account_name", "batch_account_key", "batch_service_url", "storage_account_name", "storage_account_key", "storage_account_suffix", ])
[docs]class DockerConfiguration(ConfigurationBase): def __init__(self, endpoint=None, username=None, password=None): self.endpoint = endpoint self.username = username self.password = password
[docs] def validate(self): pass
[docs]class SecretsConfiguration(ConfigurationBase): def __init__(self, service_principal=None, shared_key=None, docker=None, ssh_pub_key=None, ssh_priv_key=None): self.service_principal = service_principal self.shared_key = shared_key self.docker = docker self.ssh_pub_key = ssh_pub_key self.ssh_priv_key = ssh_priv_key
[docs] def validate(self): if self.service_principal and self.shared_key: raise error.AztkError( "Both service_principal and shared_key auth are configured, must use only one" ) elif self.service_principal: self.service_principal.validate() elif self.shared_key: self.shared_key.validate() else: raise error.AztkError( "Neither service_principal and shared_key auth are configured, must use only one" )
[docs] def is_aad(self): return self.service_principal is not None
[docs]class VmImage: def __init__(self, publisher, offer, sku): self.publisher = publisher self.offer = offer self.sku = sku
[docs]class Cluster: def __init__(self, pool: batch_models.CloudPool, nodes: batch_models.ComputeNodePaged = None): = self.pool = pool self.nodes = nodes self.vm_size = pool.vm_size if pool.state.value is self.visible_state = pool.allocation_state.value else: self.visible_state = pool.state.value self.total_current_nodes = pool.current_dedicated_nodes + \ pool.current_low_priority_nodes self.total_target_nodes = pool.target_dedicated_nodes + \ pool.target_low_priority_nodes self.current_dedicated_nodes = pool.current_dedicated_nodes self.current_low_pri_nodes = pool.current_low_priority_nodes self.target_dedicated_nodes = pool.target_dedicated_nodes self.target_low_pri_nodes = pool.target_low_priority_nodes
[docs]class SSHLog(): def __init__(self, output, node_id): self.output = output self.node_id = node_id
[docs]class Software: """ Enum with list of available softwares """ spark = "spark"