Writing a model

Getting started

In aztk/models create a new file with the name of your model my_model.py

In aztk/models/__init__.py add from .my_model import MyModel

Create a new class MyModel that inherit ConfigurationBase

from aztk.internal import ConfigurationBase

class MyModel(ConfigurationBase):
    MyModel is an sample model

        input1 (str): This is the first input
    def __init__(self, input1: str):
        self.input1 = input1

    def validate(self):

Add validation

In def validate do any kind of checks and raise a InvalidModelError if there is any problems with the values

Validate required

To validate required attributes call the parent _validate_required method. Method takes a list of attributes which should not be None

def validate(self) -> bool:

Custom validation

    def validate(self) -> bool:
        if "foo" in self.input1:
            raise InvalidModelError("foo cannot be in input1")

Convert dict to model

When inheriting from ConfigurationBase it comes with a from_dict class method which allows to convert a dict to this class It works great for simple case where values are simple types(str, int, etc). If however you need to process it you can override the _from_dict method.

** Important: Do not override the from_dict method as this one will handle error and display them nicely **

def _from_dict(cls, args: dict):
    if "input1" in args:
        args["input1"] = MyInput1Model.from_dict(args["input1"])

    return super()._from_dict(args)