Custom scripts

Custom scripts are DEPRECATED. Use plugins instead.

Custom scripts allow for additional cluster setup steps when the cluster is being provisioned. This is useful if you want to install additional software, and if you need to modify the default cluster configuration for things such as modifying spark.conf, adding jars or downloading any files you need in the cluster.

You can specify the location of custom scripts on your local machine in .aztk/cluster.yaml. If you do not have a .aztk/ directory in you current working directory, run aztk spark init or see Getting Started. Note that the path can be absolute or relative to your current working directory.

The custom scripts can be configured to run on the Spark master only, the Spark workers only, or all nodes in the cluster (Please note that by default, the Spark master node is also a Spark worker). For example, the following custom script configuration will run 3 custom scripts in the order they are provided:

    - script: ./custom-scripts/
      runOn: all-nodes
    - script: ./custom-scripts/
      runOn: master
    - script: ./custom-scripts/
      runOn: worker

The first script,, will run on all nodes and will be executed first. The next script, will run only on nodes that are Spark masters and after The next script,, will run last and only on nodes that are Spark workers.

Directories may also be provided in the custom_scripts section of .aztk/cluster.yaml.

    - script: /custom-scripts/
      runOn: all-nodes

The above configuration takes the absolute path /custom-scripts/ and uploads every file within it. These files will all be executed, although order of execution is not guaranteed. If your custom scripts have dependencies, specify the order by providing the full path to the file as seen in the first example.

Scripting considerations

  • The default OS is Ubuntu 16.04.
  • The scripts run on the specified nodes in the cluster after Spark has been installed.
  • The scripts execute in the order provided
  • If a script directory is provided, order of execution is not guaranteed
  • The environment variable $SPARK_HOME points to the root Spark directory.
  • The environment variable $IS_MASTER identifies if this is the node running the master role. The node running the master role also runs a worker role on it.
  • The Spark cluster is set up using Standalone Mode

Provided Custom Scripts


A custom-script to install HDFS (2.8.2) is provided at custom-scripts/ directory. This will install and provision HDFS for your cluster.

To enable HDFS, add this snippet to the custom_scripts section of your .aztk/cluster.yaml configuration file:

  - script: ./custom-scripts/
    runOn: all-nodes

When SSHing into the cluster, you will have access to the Namenode UI at the default port 50070. This port can be changed in the ssh.yaml file in your .aztk/ directory, or by passing the --namenodeui flag to the aztk spark cluster ssh command.

When enabled on the cluster, HDFS can be used to read or write data locally during program execution.