Getting Started Script

The provided account setup script creates and configures all of the required Azure resources.

The script will create and configure the following resources:

  • Resource group
  • Storage account
  • Batch account
  • Azure Active Directory application and service principal

The script outputs all of the necessary information to use aztk, just copy the output into the .aztk/secrets.yaml file created when running aztk spark init.


Copy and paste the following into an Azure Cloud Shell:

wget -q &&
chmod 755 &&

A series of prompts will appear, and you can set the values you desire for each field. Default values appear in brackets [] and will be used if no value is provided.

Azure Region [westus]:
Resource Group Name [aztk]:
Storage Account Name [aztkstorage]:
Batch Account Name [aztkbatch]:
Active Directory Application Name [aztkapplication]:
Active Directory Application Credential Name [aztk]:

Once the script has finished running you will see the following output:

    tenant_id: <AAD Diretory ID>
    client_id: <AAD App Application ID>
    credential: <AAD App Password>
    batch_account_resource_id: </batch/account/resource/id>
    storage_account_resource_id: </storage/account/resource/id>

Copy the entire service_principal section in your .aztk/secrets.yaml. If you do not have a secrets.yaml file, you can create one in your current working directory by running aztk spark init.

Now you are ready to create your first aztk cluster. See Creating a Cluster.