Source code for aztk.client.cluster.operations

from aztk.client.base import BaseOperations
from aztk.models import ClusterConfiguration

from .helpers import copy, create, delete, get, list, wait_for_task_to_complete

[docs]class CoreClusterOperations(BaseOperations):
[docs] def create(self, cluster_configuration: ClusterConfiguration, software_metadata_key: str, start_task, vm_image_model): """Create a cluster. Args: cluster_configuration (:obj:`aztk.models.ClusterConfiguration`): Configuration for the cluster to be created software_metadata_key (:obj:`str`): the key for the primary software that will be run on the cluster start_task (:obj:`azure.batch.models.StartTask`): Batch StartTask defintion to configure the Batch Pool vm_image_model (:obj:`azure.batch.models.VirtualMachineConfiguration`): Configuration of the virtual machine image and settings Returns: :obj:`aztk.models.Cluster`: A Cluster object representing the state and configuration of the cluster. """ return create.create_pool_and_job_and_table(self, cluster_configuration, software_metadata_key, start_task, vm_image_model)
[docs] def get(self, id: str): """Get the state and configuration of a cluster Args: id (:obj:`str`): the id of the cluster to get. Returns: :obj:`aztk.models.Cluster`: A Cluster object representing the state and configuration of the cluster. """ return get.get_pool_details(self, id)
[docs] def copy(self, id, source_path, destination_path=None, container_name=None, internal=False, get=False, timeout=None): """Copy files to or from every node in a cluster. Args: id (:obj:`str`): the id of the cluster to copy files with. source_path (:obj:`str`): the path of the file to copy from. destination_path (:obj:`str`, optional): the local directory path where the output should be written. If None, a SpooledTemporaryFile will be returned in the NodeOutput object, else the file will be written to this path. Defaults to None. container_name (:obj:`str`, optional): the name of the container to copy to or from. If None, the copy operation will occur on the host VM, Defaults to None. internal (:obj:`bool`, optional): if True, this will connect to the node using its internal IP. Only use this if running within the same VNET as the cluster. Defaults to False. get (:obj:`bool`, optional): If True, the file are downloaded from every node in the cluster. Else, the file is copied from the client to the node. Defaults to False. timeout (:obj:`int`, optional): The timeout in seconds for establishing a connection to the node. Defaults to None. Returns: :obj:`List[aztk.models.NodeOutput]`: A list of NodeOutput objects representing the output of the copy command. """ return copy.cluster_copy(self, id, source_path, destination_path, container_name, internal, get, timeout)
[docs] def delete(self, id: str, keep_logs: bool = False): """Copy files to or from every node in a cluster. Args: id (:obj:`str`): the id of the cluster to delete keep_logs (:obj:`bool`): If True, the logs related to this cluster in Azure Storage are not deleted. Defaults to False. Returns: :obj:`List[aztk.models.NodeOutput]`: A list of NodeOutput objects representing the output of the copy command. """ return delete.delete_pool_and_job_and_table(self, id, keep_logs)
[docs] def list(self, software_metadata_key): """List clusters running the specified software. Args: software_metadata_key(:obj:`str`): the key of the primary softare running on the cluster. This filters out non-aztk clusters and aztk clusters running other software. Returns: :obj:`List[aztk.models.Cluster]`: list of clusters running the software defined by software_metadata_key """ return list.list_clusters(self, software_metadata_key)
[docs] def wait(self, id, task_name): """Wait until the task has completed Args: id (:obj:`str`): the id of the job the task was submitted to task_name (:obj:`str`): the name of the task to wait for Returns: :obj:`None` """ return wait_for_task_to_complete.wait_for_task_to_complete(self, id, task_name)