Migration Guide

0.6.0 to 0.7.0

This guide will describe the steps needed to update a 0.6.0 aztk installation to 0.7.0.

Installation from pip

AZTK is now published on pip! If you installed from github previously, please reinstall.

To uninstall run:

pip3 uninstall aztk

The following command will get the latest release of aztk (please ensure you are using python3.5+):

pip3 install aztk

Or, you can install 0.7.0 specifically using:

pip3 install aztk==0.7.0

Configuration Files

A number of changes have been made that affect previously init’ed aztk environments. To limit potential issues with previous versions, we recommend that you replace any existing .aztk directories.

  1. Backup your existing .aztk directory by renaming it to .aztk.old.
  2. Run aztk spark init to create a new .aztk directory
  3. Copy the values from .aztk.old/secrets.yaml to .aztk/secrets.yaml
  4. Update the new .aztk/cluster.yaml with values from .aztk.old/cluster.yaml if applicable. Please be aware of the new toolkit section that replaces docker_repo for supported images. Similarly for .aztk/job.yaml.
  5. Update the new defaults in .aztk/spark-defaults.conf, .aztk/core-site.xml and .aztk/spark-env.sh if applicable.
  6. Be sure to not copy over the .aztk.old/jars directory. All jars that were placed here by default have been moved on the Docker image. You can add any custom jars you had by placing them in .aztk/jars/.
  7. Create your new 0.7.0 cluster!


In cluster.yaml, the toolkit key has been added. It is used to select the default, supported Docker images. Please refer to the configuration file documentation.

Docker images

A major backwards-incompatible refactor of the Docker images has occurred. Previous Docker images will no longer work with 0.7.0. To update to a new supported docker image, you will need to update your .aztk/cluster.yaml configuration file with the toolkit block in place of docker_repo. If you do not do so, cluster creation will fail!

Please refer to the the configuration file documentation for more information on the toolkit in cluster.yaml.

Custom scripts depreciation and Plugins

Custom scripts have been depreciated in favor of Plugins. Plugins have a number of advantages, including the ability to execute on the host (and not in the Spark Docker container). A number of supported plugins are shipped with aztk, please refer to the plugin documentation to learn more.